Europæiske ERV
Travel Insurance Denmark

“The introduction of RMail has brought a new level to our communication with travelers around the world. The exchange of personal and private data with travelers, doctors and clinics via RMail encryption helps manage claims in a better, simpler and more efficient way and the RMail Registered Receipt email works as a compliance record for the GDPR of the EU.”
Introduction of a solution for the secure, digital exchange of private data of customers including auditable proof of compliance.
e-communications RMail with its modules “Encryption with Auto-TLS”, “Secure Reply” and “Anti-Whaling”
Benefits / Advantages
- Simple and straightforward implementation
- Registered Receipt (Compliance Record) to demonstrate compliance
- Auditable Proof of Compliance
- Efficiency improvements through e-Substitution
- Enhanced protection against cybercrime (CEO Fraud)
About Europæiske ERV
Europæiske ERV was the first provider of travel insurance in Denmark and today retains a leading position in the travel insurance market having more than 90 years of experience in providing security and safety to travelers. The majority of Danish tourists and travelers take out their travel insurance with Europæiske ERV. Loyalty was received by guaranteeing personal and swift assistance to customers no matter where in the world they are when an accident occurs. Europæiske ERV is owned by the German company Europäische Reiseversicherung AG (ERV) and has sister-companies in many European countries. ERV has about 40 million customers worldwide.

The Story
The introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU requires in-depth analysis of existing data acquisition, data processing, data storage and data transmission workflows whenever private data are concerned. As one of the leading travel insurance providers worldwide, Europæiske ERV manages billions of private information from customers and it is therefore more than understandable, that Data Protection is a primary goal of the insurance company.
Europæiske ERV selected RMail as the standard solution for its email encryption. With its built-in encryption scenarios, RMail makes sure that private information remain private, wherever a traveler requires a contact with the travel insurance. And another goal could be achieved as well: The recipient is now able to answer securely, without any accounts or additional registrations.
First Experiances
The roll-out experience was excellent. The positive user feedback and the overall performance and availability was rated “very good”. Internal data protection audits gave green light for the RMail solution to demonstrate compliance under GDPR. RMail with its “Secure Reply” function helps to simplify the data exchange between all parties when medical information or claims are concerned replacing the existing paper based process saving time, postage and paper. The acceptance and user experience levels of the recipients are outstanding.
Finally, as cybercrime is focusing more and more on users of computer systems, RMail offers with its Anti-Whaling imposter protection an additional layer of security warning users with a pop-up to be careful and to verify the sender and the content using the good old telephone should the email be “suspicious”.

Co-operation and Roll Out
The Danish partner of Frama Communications AG, Danastar ApS, coordinated the first analysis summarising the main requirements of Europæiske ERV: Encryption of private data, reduction of human error together with an auditable proof of compliance for GDPR.
Frama developed a special configuration for Europæiske ERV, which allows members of staff to send encrypted emails as simple as standard emails. The roll-out was fast as there is virtually no product training required, the training was mainly targeted towards compliance and data protection procedures.
The Verdict
It is easy to encrypt an email, but it is difficult to provide a system that is widely accepted from all involved parties and at the same time demonstrates compliance towards GDPR. This is where RMail performs! Europæiske ERV has implemented an easy to use, well featured and forward thinking solution to demonstrate compliance and to increase efficiency by replacing existing paper based workflows.